one sketch every 24 h̶̸̶̷o̵̸̷u̶̷̸̷r̶̸̷s̶̸̷ d̶̷̸a̶̷̸y̶̷̸s̶̷̸ w̵̶̷̸e̶̷̸e̶̷̸k̶̷̸s̶̷̸ months (or so)
16 October 2012
Day 56
I've done it before and I'm doing it again! Only this time I'm letting the whole world see it. That is, it is available for the whole world to see it. Anyway, it's a huge pet peeve of mine, and when I say pet peeve I really mean I loathe it when an artist draws someone famous and the drawing fails to look like the subject. But here I have done it. I'll say for saving grace that I wasn't feeling in the mood to draw and every time I got a moment to make a line I was interrupted. I can't say it's not expected; I was at work. Anyway, the first person to guess who this famous person is wins! I'll send you the original or redraw it and send that, your choice.